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Yes, I want to help!

A sacred place to Seek, Find, and Renew Faith

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

When you donate to the 1790 Fund, you support the restoration and maintenance of The Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Locust Grove Cemetery so that we can continue to offer special Masses, host retreats, and develop other spiritual experiences.

But your financial support does so much more!

You are restoring the sacred place where our forefathers of faith settled over 200 years ago so that a new generation can encounter the Lord in a peaceful and spiritual setting away from our busy, distracted lives.

In addition to daily upkeep, maintenance, and operation needs, we identify special projects each year.

*Purification Heritage Center does accept stock and securities donations. Email for more info or visit